Being the Difference You Wish to See ...

      Life is far from fair. If we don't choose to maximize our potential life will dominate our experieinces. In a day and age full of uncertainty now is the time to discover what makes us who we are in order to claim our Divinity to unite in Oneness. Help humanity evolve as a whole by breaking free of out dated beliefs that hender the path towards purpose. Motivating and Empowering Believers to Embrace Difference to Celebrate Equality through Unconditional Love of All Creation.  It's time to Learn how to overcome life's unavoidable hardships through Amy Mattison's live and learn mentality of Christ Consciousness. Turn mistakes into miracles by igniting pain and trauma into power. Today is the day to leave judgement, anger, hate and fear in the past. The world needs ALL the Love it can find and You have the ability to Choose to be Divine!

      After years of chaotic uncertainty, with one devastating blow after another, I was provided the opportunity to maximize life. My personal devotion in Faith to "Do Whatever it Takes" to create a life worth living. "Believe When No One Else Would" to find the will to live through dark days that tempted end of life as the ultimate escape from the never ending hardships plaguing life. Having checked all the boxes that should have provided personal happiness there was an undeniable void in my chest causing me to feel empty and detached from the Joy our human experieince has to offer. Unwilling to settle for a depressive diagnosis and enough prescription drugs to run a neighborhood cartel Amy began a journey to self discovery through a Spiritual Awakening. Four years later, 30lbs lighter, zero prescription drugs, and more zest and appreciation for life than ever before she is ready to share the Unconditional Love of Oneness she learned and adopted through her genuine care and concern for the greater good of Humanity.


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